Monday, March 23, 2009

almost there

As I sit here writing and waiting for Dad to come home from work, I wonder what can I do tomorrow to make Corey want to try new foods and sometimes just the same food he eats but is just not in the mood? I can hear them jumping up and down behind me on my sorry looking bed and then in Brooke's room, what will they break or what are they going to break? These are the questions that run through my mind all day pretty much everyday. Corey goes to am pre-k and Dylan pm pre-k so I always have at least 2 kids but when 1pm comes around it's sleepy time for the girl and the middle son, yeah!! This is my time to find out how to blog, check out my facebook, make phone calls, laundry, dishes, get dinner ready or just clean up from a morning of hurricanes. I call the two youngest my little hyenas since one gets my attention and the other goes in for the kill, I know I'm in trouble then. Well it seems to be getting quiet so that means bad things are happening it's time to gather the troops and head to the tub where water flies, toys swim, tears roll and dirty little kids are sparkling clean again. Is it bedtime yet? I'm almost there.....

1 comment:

  1. I wish it was bedtime already. It's only noon and I'm pooped! Talk to you later!
