Tuesday, March 24, 2009

when the time comes

Another windy, chilly day without spring?? Soon I hope and so do the kids. They get tired of jackets, hats & gloves, especially Corey and when the wind hits his face he gasps for air. It seems to just take his breath away but I keep telling him to close his mouth. We still seem to have the problem of his tongue being out, he is aware but he just likes to hear mom, dad and his siblings tell him to put his tongue in. He laughs about it and then sticks it back out again.
Conferences are tomorrow and thurs., very confusing, one has school tom. but not thurs. and same on thurs., they're trying to make me crazy I think. He's been doing well in school but I just expect a bit more from him and we work on it. I don't think that will ever change. We will always struggle with one thing or the other just being parents that is.
There's a misconception about children with Down syndrome, that they are all the same. This maybe so in some ways, like similiar facial features, ruff voice a cute little stubby walk, but not in all. I think that my 3 children are alike in so many ways even with 1 having ds. Temper tantrums, yelling at mom or brother or sister, throwing food, no food you name it. We just need to remember, they are OUR children, your neighbors, classmates, cousins, brothers, sisters, friends, advocates, fighters but most important they are people first. They believe in their rights and the rights of their friends. Love them, support them and help them with their lives journeys. He is my future and the future of many more to come. I will be sure that he will be ready when the time comes to stand up for himself and be heard.

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